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Events for January 2025

































Research Articles

Publications by the Network's co-investigators and collaborators are highlighted in bold:

A. A. Leenaars, S. Wenckstern, I. Sakinofsky, R.J. Dyck, M.J. Kral & R.C. Bland (Eds.). (1998). Suicide in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Presss.

Adelson, N. (2000). Being Alive Well: Health and Politics of Cree Well-Being. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Adelson, N. (2005). In appreciation of the goose: The relationship between of food, gender and respect amongst the Iiyiyu’ ch of Great Whale, Québec. In L. Biggs & P. Downe, (Eds.), Gendered Intersections: A collection of Readings in Women’s and Gender Studies. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.

Adelson, N. (2005). La Souffrance Collective: Une Analyse Anthropologique De L'Incarnation D'Injustice. (2005). Revue québécoise de psychologie, 26(2), 111-127.

Adelson, N. (2005). The embodiment of inequity: Health disparities in Aboriginal Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 96, s45-s61.

Boothroyd, L.J., Kirmayer, L.J., Spreng, S., Malus, M. & Hodgins, S. (2001). Completed suicides among the Inuit of northern Quebec, 1982–1996: a case–control study. CMAJ, 165 (6): 749-55.

Burack, J. A., Blidner, A., Flores, H. V., & Fitch, T. A.(2007).Constructions and deconstructions of risk, resilience and well-being: A model for understanding the development of Aboriginal adolescents. Australasian Psychiatry, 15, S18-S23.

Burch, E.S. & Fletcher, C. (2004). The Eskaleuts: A regional overview. In B. Morrison & R. Wilson (Eds.), Native Peoples: The Canadian Experience. Oxford University Press.

Chandler, M.J. (2000). Surviving time: The persistence of identity in this culture and that. Culture and Psychology, 6 (2), 209-231.

Chandler, M. J. (2001). The time of our lives: Self-continuity in Native and Non-Native youth. In H. W. Reese (Ed.), Advances in child development and behavior, 28, (pp. 175-221), New York: Academic Press.

Chandler, M.J. & Lalonde, C.E. (2000). Cultural continuity as a protective factor against suicide in First Nations youth. Lifenotes: A Suicide Prevention and Community Health Newsletter, 5 (1), 10-11.

Chandler, M. J. & Lalonde, C. (2004). Transferring whose knowledge? Exchanging whose best practice?: On knowing about Indigenous knowledge and Aboriginal suicide. In D. Beavon & J. White (Eds.), Aboriginal Policy Research: Setting the Agenda for Change, Vol.II, (pp.111-123), London, ON: Althouse Press.

Chandler, M. J. & Lalonde, C. E. (in press). Cultural continuity as a moderator of suicide risk among Canada̢۪s First Nations. In L.J. Kirmayer & G. Valaskakis (Eds.). The Mental Health of Canadian Aboriginal Peoples: Transformations, Identity, and Community. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Chandler, M. J, Lalonde, C., & Teucher, U. (2004). Culture, continuity, and the limits of narrativity: A comparison of the self-narratives of Native and Non-Native youth. In C. Diaute & C. Lightfoot (Eds.), Narrative Analysis: Studying the Development of Individuals in Society. New York: Sage.

Chandler, M.J., Lalonde, C.E., & Sokol, B.W. (2000) Continuities of selfhood in the face of radical developmental and cultural change. In L. Nucci, G. Saxe, & E. Turiel (Eds.) Culture, thought, and development. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Chandler, M. J., Lalonde, C. E., Sokol, B. W., & Hallett, D. (2003). Personal persistence, identity, and suicide: A study of Native and non-Native North American adolescents. Monographs for the Society for Research in Child Development.

Chandler, M. J., & Proulx, T. (2006). Changing selves in changing worlds: Youth suicide on the fault-lines of colliding cultures. Archives of Suicide Research, 10(2), 125-40.

Culhane, D. (2003). Their spirits live within us: Aboriginal women in downtown Eastside Vancouver emerging into visibility. American Indian Quarterly, 27 (3/4), 593- 606.

Culhane, D. (in press). Domesticated time and restricted space: University and community women in downtown Eastside Vancouver. B.C. Studies.

Fiske, J. (2005). Spirited subjects and wounded souls: Political representations of the im/moral frontier. In M. Rutherdale & K. Pickles (Eds.), Embodied Contexts. Vancouver: UBC Press.

Flanagan, T. D, Iarocci, G., D̢۪Arrisso, A., Mandour, T., Tootoosis, C., Robinson, S., & Burack, J. A. (in press). Reduced ratings of physical and relational aggressions for youths with a strong cultural identity: Evidence from the Naskapi People. Journal of Adolescent Health.

Fletcher, C. (2003). Community-Based Participatory Research in Northern Canadian Aboriginal Communities: An Overview of Context and Process. Pimatziwin: An International Journal on Aboriginal and Indigenous Health, 1, 27-61.

Fletcher, C. (2004). Continuity and change in Inuit society. In B. Morrison & R. Wilson (Eds.), Native Peoples: The Canadian Experience. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Fletcher, C. (2005). Adoption. In M. Nuttall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Arctic. NY: Routledge.

Fletcher, C. (2005). And the young man went North (unfortunately): Issues of gender in the Academy. In M. Hessing, R. Raglon, & C. Sandilands (Eds.), This Elusive Land: Canadian Women and the Environment. Vancouver: UBC Press and University of Washington Press.

Fletcher, C. (2005). Dystoposthesia: Emplacing Environmental Sensitivities. In Empire of the Senses: The Sensual Culture Reader. D. Howes (Ed.), Oxford: Berg.

Fletcher, C. (2005). Innu. In M. Nuttall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Arctic. NY: Routledge.

Fletcher, C. (2006). Environmental Sensitivities: Equivocal Illness in the Context of Place. Transcultural Psychiatry, 43 (5-6), 86-105.

France, H., McCormick, R., & Rodriguez, C. (2004). Issues in counselling in the First Nations community. In H. France (Ed.), Diversity, culture and counselling: A Canadian Perspective. Calgary, AB: Detselig Enterprizes, Ltd.

Hinton, D., Hufford, D. & Kirmayer, L.J. (2005). [Editorial] Culture and sleep paralysis. Transcultural Psychiatry, 42(1): 5-10.

Iarocci, G., Root, R., & Burack, J. A. (2009) Social competence and mental health among Aboriginal youth: An integrative developmental perspective. In L. Kirmayer & G. Valaskakis (Eds.), Healing Traditions: The mental health of aboriginal peoples in Canada (pp. 80-106). Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.

Kidd, S.A., & Kral, M.J. (2002). Suicide and prostitution among street youth: a qualitative analysis. Adolescence, 37 (146): 411-30.

Kidd, S.A., & Kral, M.J. (2005). Practicing participatory research, Journal of Counselling Psychology, 52, 187-195.

Kirmayer, L.J. (2004). The cultural diversity of healing: Meaning, metaphor and mechanism. British Medical Bulletin, 69(1): 33-48

Kirmayer, L.J (2005). Culture, context and experience in psychiatric diagnosis. Psychopathology, 38(4),192-196.

Kirmayer, L.J. (2006). Beyond the ‘New Cross-cultural Psychiatry’: Cultural Biology, Discursive Psychology and the Ironies of Globalization. Transcultural Psychiatry, 43 (1): 126-144.

Kirmayer, L.J., Boothroyd, L.J., Tanner, A., Adelson, N., Robinson, E. (2000). Psychological Distress among the Cree of James Bay. Transcultural Psychiatry, 37 (1): 35-56.

Kral, M.J., & Idlout, L. (2005). Participatory anthropology in Nunavut. In P.R. Stern & M.E. Stevenson (Eds.). Critical Inuit Studies: An Anthology of Contemporary Arctic Ethnography. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press

Lalonde, C.E. (2005). Creating an Index of Healthy Aboriginal Communities. Developing a Healthy Communities Index: A collection of papers, (pp. 21-27). Report prepared for the Canadian Population Health Initiative, Canadian Institute for Health Information.

Lalonde, C. E. (in press). Identity Formation and Cultural Resilience in Aboriginal Communities. In R.J. Flynn, P. Dudding & J. Barber (Eds.), Promoting Resilient Development in Young People Receiving Care: International Perspectives on Theory, Research, Practice & Policy.

Lalonde, C., & Chandler, M. J. (2004). Culture, selves, and time: Theories of personal persistence in Native and non-Native youth. In C. Lightfoot, C. Lalonde, & M. Chandler (Eds.), Changing Conceptions of Psychological Life: Vol. 30. Jean Piaget Symposium Series. (pp.207-229). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Lalonde, C.E., Kinew, K., & Yates, R. (2005). Place & Health in First Nations Communities. In Kachimaa Mawiin - Maybe for Sure Finding a Place for Place in Health Research and Policy. Proceedings of Place and Health: Research to Policy Workshop. Canadian Population Health Initiative.

Law, S. & Kirmayer, L.J. (2005). Inuit interpretations of sleep paralysis. Transcultural Psychiatry, 42(1): 93-112.

MacMillan, H.L., Patterson, C.J.S., Wathen, C.N., and the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care. (2005). Screening for depression in primary care: recommendation statement from the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 172, 33-35.

MacMillan, H.L. & Wathen C.N. (2004). Review: current therapies for men committing acts of domestic violence are of limited benefit. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 7, 79.

McCormick, R. (in press) Aboriginal approaches to counselling. In L. Kirmayer & G. Valaskakis (Eds.), The mental health of Aboriginal people, Vancouver: UBC Press.

McCormick , R. (in press). Aboriginal traditional healing. In R. Moodley (Ed.), Traditional Healing, OISIE Press.

McCormick, R. & Arvay, M. (In press). Facilitating healing among suicidal First Nations People in British Columbia, Canada: An exploratory study. Journal of Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.

McCormick, R., France, H., & Rodriguez, C. (2004). The red road: Culture, spirituality, and the sacred hoop. In H. France (Ed) Diversity, Culture and Counselling: A Canadian Perspective, Calgary, AB: Detselig Enterprizes, Ltd.

McCormick, R. & Wong, P. T. P. (In press). Adjustment and Coping in Aboriginal People. In P. T. P. Wong, & L. C. J. Wong (Eds.), Handbook of Multicultural Perspectives on Stress and Coping. New York, NY: Springer.

McLennan, J., MacMillan, H.L., Jamieson, E. (2004). Canada's programs to prevent mental health problems in children: The research_practice gap. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 171, 1069-1071.

Robertson, L. & Culhane, D. (Eds.) (2005). In Plain Sight: Reflections On Life In Downtown Eastside Vancouver. Vancouver: Talon books.

Smylie, J., Kaplan-Myrth, N., Tait, C., Martin, C.M., Chartrand, L., Hogg, W., Tugwell, P., Valaskakis, K., & Macaulay, A.C. (2004). Pathway or pitfall? Health sciences research and Aboriginal Communities. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada, 26(3), 211-16.

Smylie, J., Martin, C.M., Steele, L., Tait, C., & Hogg, W. (2004). Knowledge translation and Indigenous knowledge. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 63(suppl 2), 139-143

Stern, L. & Kirmayer, L.J. (2004). Knowledge structures in illness narratives: Development and reliability of a coding scheme. Transcultural Psychiatry, 41(1), 130-142.

Tait, C. (2003). "THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG: THE MAKING OF FETAL ALCOHOL SYNROME IN CANADA." PhD. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, McGill University.
C. Tait-Tip of Iceberg

Tait, C. (2004). Fetal alcohol syndrome among Canadian Aboriginal Peoples: Review and analysis of the intergenerational links to residential schools. Prepared for the Aboriginal Healing Foundation.

Tanner, A. (2005). The cosmology of nature: Cultural divergence and the metaphysics of community healing. In E. Schwimer & J. Clammer (Eds.), Ontological Obstacles to Intercultural Relations. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Tiessen, M., Taylor, D.L, Kirmayer, L.J. (2009) A key individual-to-community link: the impact of perceived collective control on Aboriginal youth well-being. Pimatiswin: A Journal of IAboriginal and Indigenous Community Health, 7(2), 241-267

Valaskakis, G. (2005). Indian country: Essays on contemporary Native culture. Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Waddell, C., MacMillan H.L., Pietrantonio A.M. (2004). How important is permanency planning for children? Considerations for pediatricians involved in child protection. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 25, 285-292.

Waldram, J.B. (2004). Revenge of the Windigo: The construction of the mind and mental health of North American Aboriginal Peoples. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Waldram, J.B. (2006). The View from the Hogan: Cultural Epidemiology and the Return to Ethnography. Transcultural Psychiatry, 43: 72-85.

Whitley, R., Kirmayer, L.J. & Jarvis, G.E. (2004). [Letter to the editor] Cultural consultation in psychiatric practice. British Journal of Psychiatry, 185(1): 76.

References and Bibliographies

Bibliography of Arctic Social Science Theses and Dissertations

This is a bibliography of Arctic social science theses and dissertations, updated as of July 15, 2006. For suggestions of further sources to add to the bibliography please contact Jack Hicks, an external Ph.D. student at Ilisimatusarfik (The University of Greenland), in Iqaluit, Nunavut at jack AT jackhicks.com.