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Events for January 2025

































Community Partnerships

Aboriginal Healing Foundation

The Aboriginal Healing Foundation is an Aboriginal-run, not-for-profit corporation that is independent of both Government and the representative Aboriginal political organizations. It is incorporated under the laws of Canada (federal), and authorized to operate in all Provinces and Territories. Created on March 30, 1998, the mission of the AHF is to encourage and support Aboriginal people in building and reinforcing sustainable healing processes that address the legacy of physical abuse and sexual abuse in the Residential School system, including intergenerational impacts.

The AHF is supporting projects that undertake holistic and community-based healing initiatives addressing the needs of individuals, families and communities. These projects include traditional healing methods and other culturally appropriate approaches. The program also supports projects that focus on the early detection and prevention of the effects of the legacy of abuse on all generations of Aboriginal people.

Through a partnership with the National Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research, the Foundation contributes to the formation of the research agenda on Aboriginal health and healing; accesses and shares information on issues and interventions related to health and healing in Aboriginal communities; and participates in the placement and training of graduate students working on research related to Aboriginal health and healing.

Alberta Health Services - Alberta Mental Health Board (AHS-AMHB): Aboriginal Mental Health Program

AHS-AMHB Aboriginal Mental Health works to identify and reduce barriers to the
mental health system for Aboriginal people. It supports cross-regional and cross-ministry
Aboriginal initiatives, including:

â€Â¢ Aboriginal community and capacity development
â€Â¢ Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy
â€Â¢ Telemental Health: Aboriginal Speakers Forum (educational sessions)
â€Â¢ Aboriginal wellness promotional strategies

We work with the Wisdom Committee, a group of Elders, community members and healthcare providers that represent the various Aboriginal communities and treaty areas in Alberta, to ensure their involvement in the planning process for Aboriginal mental health services in Alberta. The role of the Wisdom Committee has been one of advocacy, promotion, advice and guidance to AHS-AMHB.

On February 1, 2007 the Alberta Mental Health Board, in cooperation with the AMHB Wisdom Committee, launched Aboriginal Mental Health: A Framework for Alberta, which provides five strategic directions for action, to serve as a foundation for joint action planning in the development and implementation of resources, support and services to advance Aboriginal mental health. The AHS-AMHB Aboriginal Mental Health program also utilizes and promotes the use of the Aboriginal Research Protocols, a document that was developed by a sub-committee tasked with producing a set of ethical research protocols. These protocols can serve as guidelines when working with Aboriginal communities.

Aboriginal Mental Health Liaison Program, Sto:lo Nation Health Services, BC

The Aboriginal Mental Health Liaison Program provides holistic services and addresses health and wellness of the whole person, with a primary focus on health promotion and health maintenance.

Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse

This organization facilitates linkages with substance abuse researchers through the Canadian Addiction Researchers Network and the national database they are developing, and facilitates exchanges with the Canadian Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use.

Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay

The CBHSSJB is responsible for the administration of the delivery of health and social services to the Cree and has longstanding collaborations with Kathryn Gill and other members of the NAMHR in the areas of mental health, substance abuse and gambling.

Deline First Nation

eline First Nation (Chief Charlie Neyelle) has an ongoing collaboration with Fletcher on Dene psychology, healing and the importance of the land, which will be supported by the NAMHR.

Eskasoni School Board & Unama̢۪ki Training and Education Centre

These regional centres are partners in the NAMHR projects on resilience.

First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada

First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada (Cindy Blackstock, Executive Director) is working with Dr. Trocmé on the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect.

First Nations & Inuit Suicide Prevention Association of Quebec & Labrador

First Nations & Inuit Suicide Prevention Association of Quebec & Labrador (Normand D̢۪Aragon, Director) will organize regional and national conferences, workshops and networking to promote knowledge translation with community workers.

Isaksimagit Inuusirmi Katujjiqatigiit – Embrace Life Council

Isaksimagit Inuusirmi Katujjiqatigiit – Embrace Life Council, Iqaluit (Lori Idlout, Executive Director) is the suicide prevention and mental health promotion organization for Nunavut research that has partners with Kirmayer, Turecki, and others of the NAMHR in an IAPH suicide research team.

Inuit Tapirisit Kanatami and National Inuit Youth Council

Inuit Tapirisit Kanatami (Looee Okalik) and National Inuit Youth Council (Qajaaq Ellsworth) are working with Dr. Kral to develop another research team on Inuit suicide.

Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project (KSDPP)

KSDPP designs and implements intervention activities for schools, families and community to prevent type 2 diabetes through the promotion of healthy eating, physical activity and positive attitude. Through collaboration with NAMHR, KSDPP will pursue research into the relationship of diabetes and mental health.