2012 National Gathering for Graduate Students Registration Forms
The Aboriginal Health Network Research Secretariat (AHRNetS) and the Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research Team (NAMHR) will host the 12th National Gathering of Graduate Students in Montreal, Quebec from June 22 to June 25, 2012.
The National Gathering of Graduate Students (NGSS) provides students a capacity building forum to present and discuss their research as well as facilitate student networking opportunities with community and academic researchers and students in the Aboriginal health field. The National Gathering includes the AHRNetS' annual conference, the institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health Scientific Director's Award and dinner, keynote address, plenary sessions, graduate student oral and poster presentations. The NGGS will also include dynamic workshops such as indigenous methodologies, grant writing, ethics, and community-based participatory research.
The 2012 NAMHR NGGS Program is now available.